
Parental Rights Restored In Sask – AMDSB Continues To Keep Secrets From Parents In Ontario #PedophilePurge

Saskatchewan’s education minister says teachers must start seeking parental consent when children under 16 want to change their names or pronouns, a move that restores parent’s right to know what is happening to their children while at school. In what is being dubbed as the “pedophile purge” , provinces have been banning teachers and principals from continuing to keep sex secrets from parents. 

Avon Maitland School Board in Ontario insists parents do not have the right to know what is happening to their children at school. From kindergarten up, children can change their names, pronouns, clothes and sexual identity at school. AMDSB policy is to keep parents in the dark, and that AMDSB should be able to do whatever they want to our children and keep that secret from the parents and police.

If you think parental rights should be restored in Ontario as well, please contact Ontario’s Minister of Education, Stephen Lecce Email: [email protected]. For more contact information for Stephen Lecce click here.


Parental Rights Ignored By AMDSB – Your Kids Are Not Safe

AMDSB Administrative Procedure 398 strips parents of their right to know what is happening to their child while at school. AMDSB claims they are not afraid of parents finding out what is being done to their children, but that parents are simply not responsible or mature enough to be involved with their child’s life or education. 

Simply put, surrender your children to them and ask no questions.

Children as young as five are being targeted, groomed, and abused by people that work for the Avon Maitland School Board. This comes as no shock to those familiar with some of Wingham’s notorious pedophiles, one of which was an auxiliary police officer, another a teacher. Pedophiles have long been protected by “the system” in Wingham, and it all traces back to Town Hall, their control over the former Wingham Police, or the “wife” of the former Reeve/Mayor which just happens to be principal of Maitland River Elementary School in Wingham.

Those that seek to physically and sexually abuse children will choose careers that will grant them access to their future victims. Those that serve and protect those pedophiles create “procedures/rules/by-laws” in an effort to protect them. Then when any of these “rules” are broken you will likely end up before a Justice Of The Peace, which is someone with no legal experience and almost always a former school principal. The system protects itself and pedophiles protect each other.

If it takes a whole community to raise a child, then it will take the whole community to protect a child.

If you don’t agree, I blame your lack of knowing any better on public education.

Avon Maitland District School Board Contact Info
62 Chalk Street North, Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0
Telephone: (519) 527-0111 x102
Fax: (519) 527-0222
Toll Free: 1-800-592-5437
[email protected]


Wingham & Area Teachers Keeping Sex Secrets With Students – Ordered To Not Tell Parents! #SaveOurChildren #EndTransgenderStorytimeGrooming

It is no longer a conspiracy theory, it is a fact according to the Avon Maitland School Board. Teachers have been ordered to keep secrets when students change their name, pronouns or clothes to be “transgender” and be sexual at school. For some reason AMDSB doesn’t want parents to find out, likely because in past times such behavior would have ended up with a lynching. 

From kindergarten onward our children are being sexualized, groomed and victimized in Wingham and area schools.

According to Avon Maitland School Board “Some students who identify as transgender have not shared their chosen gender identity at home. A school shall not disclose a student’s gender status to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) without the student’s explicit prior consent. “



AMDSB, OSSTF Teachers Reach Tentative Agreement

Thursday evening, representatives from Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) and the Ontario Secondary School Teacher’s Federation (OSSTF) District 8 Teachers reached a tentative collective agreement. The details of the agreement must be kept confidential until both parties ratify
the agreement. Ratification meetings and votes are anticipated to be held in January or February.

The parties had met for negotiations on 14 days, dating back to June 2020. Negotiations began in a virtual format due to strict pandemic guidelines, but recently had moved to socially distanced face-to-face meetings using appropriate protocols.

“Negotiations were challenging; not necessarily because there were a lot of contentious issues, but rather the environment that we worked under – both virtual and face-to-face, all under strict health guidelines over the last six months,” stated local OSSTF President Shane Restall.

The tentative agreement brings all secondary teachers working for AMDSB – contract teachers, continuing education teachers and occasional teachers – together into one document. Previously, local OSSTF occasional teachers had their own agreement. “We are thrilled to have reached a tentative agreement and bringing the secondary, contract, continuing education and occasional teachers under one agreement has been a welcome change.

We look forward to the ratification process and appreciate the union’s flexibility as we navigated COVID-19 protocols,” said Paul Langis, AMDSB Superintendent of Human Resource Services. The tentative agreement, if ratified, would complete the two-pronged contract talks for local secondary teachers under the School Board Collective Bargaining Act. The central portion of the agreement was ratified by OSSTF, the Provincial Government and the Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA) in May 2020 after widespread political and labour unrest in the Ontario education sector during late 2019 and early 2020.

There are approximately 430 secondary teachers, occasional teachers and continuing education teachers working for AMDSB represented by OSSTF District 8 who have been without a contract since August 2019.


Virtual Open Houses – AMDSB

Our secondary schools are hosting virtual open houses for grades 6 and 8 prospective students between December 10 and 17.

Normally at this time of year, schools host open houses for prospective grades 6 and 8 students who are moving on from their current school. Due to COVID-19 protocols, hosting a large in-person event is not possible, so AMDSB schools are hosting virtual events to showcase their school and the unique programs they have to offer. 

Throughout December (dates below), schools will launch videos and other virtual events and resources to give families and students an overview of the school, and take the opportunity to highlight the exciting things happening in their building. Click on the school names for full details (links will open in a new window).   

Central Huron Secondary School (CHSS) – Clinton (December 15)

FE Madill Secondary School – Wingham (December 15)

Goderich District Collegiate Institute (GDCI) – Goderich (December 14 and 17)

Listowel District Secondary School (LDSS) – Listowel (December 17)

Mitchell District High School (MDHS) – Mitchell (December 16)

South Huron District High School (SHDHS) – Exeter (December 10)

St Marys DCVI – St Marys (December 15)

Stratford District Secondary School (SDSS) – Stratford (December 17)

AMDSB Uncategorized

All Schools Closed

All schools closed today (Dec 1)

There is a system wide closure today. All schools closed to students and staff. Any students who are able, should login to Google Classroom for assignments. Today is Tuesday December 1 and all AMDSB schools are closed to students and staff due to weather. Students should login to Google Classroom for assignments and to check in with the teacher. 

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