Alerts Breaking News WFP

Restaurant Faces Threats Over F*ck Paul Heffer Flags

(Wingham, ON) Current North Huron Reeve Paul Heffer openly threatened the Public at a recent meeting by stating he would be using the by-law enforcement to trespass and seize private property, then banned all comments and questions at council meetings. Shut & stay home is the strong and clear message from North Huron council. 

Buck & Jo’s, a  restaurant in the heart of Wingham, has resorted to flying a F*ck Paul Heffer flag during business hours. “If Paul Heffer wants the flags down, he can come in and ask for himself, if he doesn’t ask, then the flags stay”.

Response has been swift from a herd of Heffers going to the restaurant and threatening and demanding the flag come down immediately, or else. The restaurant is now flying 2 Heffer flags in response.

Bullying and harassment at its worst, it seems it runs in the Heffer family. A large woman came in stating she was a Heffer, garnering giggles from customers, as they heard “heifer” a young female cow that has not borne a calf.   

Many believe cow-ardly Heffer sent in these semi-articulate people to fight his battle from him, as he lacks the courage to ask or answer a question himself.

Alerts WFP

Amazon Drone Deliveries & TV Series For Wingham Ontario #Piggymon #WinghamStrong

(Wingham, On) An unprecedented deal between Amazon & the CBC is drawing international attention to a rural town that claims to be the “Home of Flying Pigs and Other Seemingly Impossible Things” (wing +ham = winged pig).

Amazon and CBC media relations, as well as IMDB listings confirm several new series will be shot in Wingham, which is known as “The Square Mile” to locals. The yet-to-be-named docu-comedy will be starring a local couple that went viral after standing up to what everyone now refers to as “segregation enforcement”. A Who’s Who of Canada’s Freedom Fighter Movement and countless Rights Activists have already signed on to guest star in episodes. Many have been spotted at, or coming and going from Buck & Jo’s over the last 6 months.

One executive stated “I watched all the videos, and even during the dark tense moments he got laughs out of enforcement officers, or myself while watching. If you read the tens of thousands of comments on how people were moved to tears, the thousands of prayers….It-it still triggers my emotions thinking about it, and I’m a CEO! This is just too important of a story not to tell.”

The digital sign at the edge of Wingham is stopping traffic, as teasers for the upcoming sitcom and Piggymon animated series are being shown in rotation with other local ads. Police are asking that traffic keep moving, and to avoid obstructing traffic flow. School bus drivers are asked not to stop so the children can take videos/photos when school returns Tuesday.

Hammy, locally made winged pigs in overalls made circa 1990’s are selling for over $1,200/ea on Ebay, low numbered McPerjury cards $650, and other Wingham related items are selling out as people flock to Wingham with Canadian Flags flying proudly on their vehicles.

Millions have already been invested in a new Amazon studio which is under construction at the former Wingham Trailer Park. Initially approved for 3 floors, a fourth needed to be added for animation studios for the upcoming Piggymon series. This is after some winged-pig trading cards were test marketed at the location of the upcoming docu-comedy was an overwhelming success across all demographics.

A spin off effect is Winghamites now get Amazon deliveries 7 days a week. The new expansion has run into some glitches and some customers receiving wrong or empty packages as integration was implemented. One delivery of office furniture was erroneously distributed to Wingham area residents, that glitch has been remedied according to an Amazon exec.

Drone delivers will be launched on Canada Day after Amazon finishes live streaming the Wingham fireworks to an estimated 8 million viewers. Camera drones will fly from the fireworks to front doors of where each series will take place, then the first episodes will be aired. Families have already made plans to spend Canada Day on Josephine St. just to see where the drones go, and in the hope of being in one of the series openers.

300+ local high paying jobs are expected over the next 12 months. Locals have mixed feelings, as they were told the building would be “affordable housing” at $750/month for a one bedroom, $1,600 for a 4 bedroom.

North Huron sold the airport and former trailer park under strict conditions and NDAs. The airport had to be included as Amazon would have otherwise faced restrictions regarding the drone delivery fleet, and filming around Wingham.

North Huron admitted in a press release the two real estate transactions were related. It is believed that’s why they were never listed on MLS, and why North Huron has refused to release the pre-sale appraisal of the airport.

Council Chambers had to be moved as part of the Amazon/CBC deal so re-enactments could be accurately filmed at town hall. A new high tech accessibility ramp at the front of town hall, embedded with some amazing technology was also part of the deal, costing the taxpayers over $150,000. Delays in tech deliveries caused the project to last over a year.

Live streaming of the Wingham Homecoming/Canada Day Fireworks will begin at dusk 01July2024, and is expected to break 3 different World Records. Book your accommodation early.

OPP Police Press Releases Toronto

Casino Cheaters Arrested – Should’ve Just Counted Cards Instead

(TORONTO, ON) – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Investigation and Enforcement Bureau (IEB) has laid charges against several individuals in connection with allegations of illegal activity occurring at a casino.

The IEB, attached to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) was contacted on March 18, 2024, regarding allegations that a table games dealer was in collusion with patrons at Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto.

As a result of the investigation, police have charged the following individuals:

Anagha VARGHESE, aged 21 of Etobicoke is charged with:

·      Criminal Breach of Trust S.336 Criminal Code (CC) – three counts

·      Cheat at play S.209 CC – three counts

·      Theft Under $5000 S.334(b) CC – three counts

·      Fraud Over $5000 S. 380(1)(b) CC – three counts

Tajveer KOUR, aged 21 of Brampton is charged with:

·      Criminal Breach of Trust S.336 CC

·      Cheat at play S.209 CC

·      Theft Under $5000 S.334(b) CC

·      Fraud Over $5000 S. 380(1)(b) CC

Yakshu NEHRA, aged 23, of Etobicoke is charged with:

·      Cheat at play S.209 CC – three counts

·      Theft Under $5000 S.334(b) CC – three counts

·      Fraud Over $5000 S. 380(1)(b) CC – three counts

Himanshu TANWAR, aged 25, of Etobicoke is charged with:

·      Cheat at play S.209 CC – three counts

·      Theft Under $5000 S.334(b) CC – three counts

·      Fraud Over $5000 S. 380(1)(b) CC – three counts

Parkh RAHEJA, aged 25 of Etobicoke is charged with:

·      Cheat at play S.209 CC – three counts

·      Theft Under $5000 S.334(b) CC – two counts

·      Theft Over $5000 S. 334(a) CC

·      Fraud Under $5000 S. 380(1)(b) CC – two counts

·      Fraud Over $5000 S. 380(1)(a) CC

The accused parties have all been released from custody and are scheduled to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Toronto at later dates.

The IEB is a division of the OPP, embedded within the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), responsible for conducting criminal, provincial and regulatory eligibility investigations to ensure integrity and public safety within the AGCO-regulated industries.    

Editors Note: Counting cards/keeping track of what has been played is not illegal if you do it in your head, and alone. Click here to find out how to count cards legally and increase your odds of winning, LEGALLY!.

Alerts WFP

Free Press Sites Now For Sale – Who Will Control Your Town’s Free Press?

Are you interested in a once in a lifetime opportunity to defend your community, democracy, free speech, and take a stand against censorship while protecting your community from criminals, pedophiles, rapists, repeat offenders, corrupt politicians, by-law enforcement and corrupt police? It might sound impossible, but you can do it safely with our help.

Due to a massive increase in website traffic to Wingham Free Press, it has been decided that expansion of the Free Press Network is needed to help facilitate the dissemination of important information across Ontario, and to stand up to corrupt by-law enforcement officers.

If you want/need a free Free Press to protect your community and are willing to put in the time and/or financial resources please contact [email protected]. Training, support, hosting, site design, a db full of press releases, are available. 

Below is a partial list of Cities/Towns available. 

Barrie, Blyth, Brampton, Brussels, Clinton, Durham,Exeter,Goderich, Grandbend, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Kincardine, Kitchener, Listowel, Markham, Mildmay, Mississauga, Norfolk, Oakville, Ontario, Oshawa, OwenSound, Seaforth, Simcoe, Stratford, Walkerton & Waterloo.

Alerts WFP

McPerjury Collector Cards Released Ahead Of Epic Court Battle on April 15 #YouWereWarned

A police officer that lied in court now has a collectable card being distributed in Wingham. In 2016 McPerjury lied in court in an attempt to cover up the crimes of Wingham town staff and council. McPerjury’s credibility hit zero when video evidence was presented in court showing exactly what the pathetic excuse of a human did and didn’t do that evening in August. 

That incident was a politically motivated attempt to silence critics of Wingham Town Hall. The prosecution was outsourced to Donnelly Murphy, town hall’s lawyer. They literally didn’t take 30 seconds to watch the video from Town Hall which showed the officer was lying, and all council members signed coordinated false statements. Instead of doing their job for 30 seconds they put their targets through a year of hell, dragged it out and billed the taxpayers a fortune. 

The corrupt practice of outsourcing the prosecution to for-profit firms virtually guarantees every trivial incident is prosecuted and dragged out to maximize profit. Combine this with a system of unqualified corrupt “Justice of the Peace’s” signing summonses unquestioningly guarantees profit for the lawyers and oppression for the entire population.

If you don’t know the real name of McPerjury yet, ask around about a cop that lied on the stand, you will find out there’s more than one 🙁

April 15 “Frankie not-a-judge” cards are expected to be handed out at the Goderich courthouse.

Alerts WFP

Chuck Vs. Buck – 822 Days Of Delays, Corruption & Perjury #NotMyKing #CoerciveAgreements

(Wingham, On) A restaurant in the heart of Wingham, that stood their ground against segregation enforcement officers, have been holding the line for 822 days waiting for actual Judges to voice their opinions. Judges across Canada have already spoken up/ruled regarding the unconstitutionality and unreasonableness of recent massive government overreach. This has yet to happen at the Goderich Court House. Below is an email sent to the court and area Media by the victim.


Subject: Re: (Buck) XXXX XXXX vs The King Appeal Matter Ct File Number 1460-999-22-0009-01

Dear Goderich Court
Ontario Court of Justice Trial Coordinator Jodie Grainger
King Charles’ Representative Gregory Friel Stewart
The Honorable Justice MacDonald
BCC: Area Media

As there seems to be some difficulties/reluctance setting a date for the continuance of my appeal, I would like to let all involved parties know that, as always, I am available with a few days notice. Since my involvement and participation in the last court dates has been prohibited/eliminated, as I haven’t been given the opportunity to comment or speak, I am sending this email.

I am asking the court to allow video recording of all future proceedings involving myself, and to allow those recordings to be disseminated and accurately reported upon.  As I am the only participant that is not working for and getting paid by the “system” at these proceedings, I believe my request should be honored. As recent court rulings and trial transcripts have shown, I have had my Rights violated, and been the victim of perjury, a very serious allegation for which the court has yet to comment on.

Denying this request and threatening to punish those that seek to accurately document and disseminate the proceedings violates my constitutional right of self protection.

These last few delays have deprived us of the opportunity to clear our names, and ability to rebuild our reputation and business over the Christmas season, and now Valentines Day, greatly reducing the odds of the business’s survival until the next potential business saving Christmas holiday season.

12Feb2024 will mark 816 days since Justice of the Peace Susan Stewart, seemingly without question or scrutiny, signed off on the charges, and Gregory Friel Stewart started his persecution.

While these delays are likely extremely lucrative for Gregory Friel Stewart of Donnelly Murphy, they have caused nothing but financial devastation for my family.

As the Honorable Justice wisely recommended, I will only need 10-15 minutes to finish my submissions/arguments. I understand that Mr. Stewart, who claims to be representing The King, needs ½ a day for his continued persecution, to comment on recent rulings, and to address the serious allegations of perjury levied against both HPPH segregation enforcement officers.

 I struggle to understand how there are no dates available between 12Feb2024 and the end of 2024. I hope by 12Feb2024 that an opening becomes available before the year’s end so I can finish my submissions and Mr. Stewart can have his ½ day. This checking in to the court every 2 weeks has been tantamount to probation/parole.

I plead with the court to set a date for the continuation in Goderich (live and in person) to finally resolve this matter, and to allow us to start repairing the damage caused by HPPH’s actions and inactions.

I hope the Honorable Justice MacDonald has taken 15-20 minutes to view the videos, as they were literally shot as evidence for whichever Judge would preside over the case. We waited 6 1/2 hours in the courthouse last time, despite the court being set aside specifically for this issue. I do not think it would be proper for the Judge to ignore the actual videos.

Looking forward to 12Feb and finally setting a date so I can complete my submissions to the court, and the King’s representative can have their ½ day.

This email may be reprinted and disseminated.


Alerts WFP

Tempers Flare In Goderich Courthouse – Gregory Stewart Ignores Two Judges & Continues Unconstitutional Attack On Wingham Business

(Goderich, Ontario) Before court started, yelling could be heard over Zoom from inside the courthouse. Someone was aggressively questioning why the charges weren’t dropped due to the recent court rulings, as they have been dropped across Canada.  Moment’s later court started in the matter of King Charles Vs. Buck of Buck & Jo’s.

Once court started it was clear the “The King”, represented by Gregory Stewart, couldn’t care less about his lack of preparedness or even paying attention. Things were so bad Justice MacDonald stepped in to inform Gregory Stewart about the recent rulings, and that Stewart would have to justify his continued unconstitutional attack on a small business that wasn’t even open during the alleged offense.

The Honorable Justice MacDonald was visibly agitated when he had to repeat his demand to Gregory Stewart who was clearly not paying attention, either due to apathy, dementia, incompetence, or the simple inability to keep up.  Stewart said he would look into the rulings the Judge mentioned, seemingly oblivious to current events. Stewart spectacularly was ignoring/disrespecting two Judges at the same time. No doubt Stewart will bill the taxpayers/victims even more hours to unconstitutionally attack and destroy the business.

12Feb2024 court will reconvene via Zoom for another attempt to set a date for Greg Stewart of Donnelly Murphy to finally counter the arguments set forth by Buck & Jo’s.

Alerts WFP

Bounty Placed On Alleged UN Soldier Posing As Police Officer – 2,000+ Corrupt Police Claim “Just Following Orders”

Recent revelations that the UN was involved in the 07Oct attack on Israel seems to have confirmed the rumors that UN soldiers had to be brought in to break up the Freedom Convoy, because too many Canadian police officers refused to violate their oath and break up the peaceful protest. 

The photo of someone in a police uniform is allegedly a United Nations soldier according to dozens of people. The photo was taken hours before the violent crackdown, beatings, trampling and other rights violations in Ottawa. If you can identify this person in the uniform, please email [email protected] with your tips/information. You will be rewarded with a bounty of 10 bonus karma points 🙂

Wingham Free Press agrees with Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley, and that Trudeau’s use of the War Measures Act was illegal, unreasonable, unjustified, didn’t make sense, and wasn’t transparent. This is something everyone knew 2 years ago.

Alerts WFP

2,223 Police & Trudeau Guilty of High Treason & Starting Civil War With Illegal Use Of War Act #JustFollowingOrders #DirtyCops

Justin Trudeau declared and levied war against Canada when he invoked the War Measures Act. Ottawa’s police chief resigned in protest, and was replaced by someone that would follow orders without question. An army of 2,223 of Canada’s most corrupt and aggressive police force members rushed to Ottawa to line their pockets with overtime pay and to crack protestors’ skulls on command and seize their property. Truly the worst of the worst.

The police and State media called on the general public to help identify legal protestors from video footage. An all out war was waged on those taking a stand with the protestors. Canadian flags were ripped off vehicles, homes and businesses were vandalized for flying a Canadian flag. People were genuinely afraid to fly the Canadian flag for fear of repercussions. Without a doubt, Trudeau started a Civil War.

Law-abiding police officers and Citizens had their names and home addresses released as punishment for contributing, or showing support for the Freedom Convoy. Countless thousands of businesses, lives, livelihoods, friendships, families were destroyed by the treasonist actions of Justin Trudeau.  

These Patriots were punished for supporting those taking a stand against the illegal actions of the disgraced Prime Minister that was too cowardly to meet and greet the Convoy when it arrived. After JT’s standing ovation of a Nazi, it is now believed the swastika flag that was allegedly at the protest was from the personal collection of Canada’s so-called “Prime Minister”.

Many believe now it’s time for the names of the 2,223 police officers that participated in the illegal crackdown in Ottawa also have their names released. If it was appropriate to release the names of the officers and Citizens that contributed to the the Freedom Convoy, then it is also appropriate to release the names of those that assaulted and trampled Citizens. “Just following orders” is never an acceptable excuse, and clearly does not provide immunity for crimes against humans or humanity.

Criminal Code: 46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada, (a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her; (b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or.

Alerts WFP

Trudeau Found Guilty – Theft, Intimidation, Terrorism & Breach Of Trust #ImpeachTrudeau

Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley has ruled that current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is guilty of unconstitutionally using the War Measures Act. This involved threatening tow truck operators, threatening to take truckers children, seizing millions of dollars, freezing bank accounts, releasing names of contributors to the Freedom Convoy, threatening to seize truckers pets and put them down if they weren’t claimed in a few days, and making Canadians live in terror of their “government”. The list of crimes and number of victims is nearly endless due to Justin Trudeau’s illegal use of the War Measures Act.

Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration.”

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