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Stratford Police Approved To Continue Beating/Torture Of Unarmed Civilians – Outraged Public Demands Body Cameras After Another SIU Failure

27July2015 Stratford police officers threw an unarmed autistic man to the ground and beat him in the head causing a concussion, cuts to his face and a black eye. According to the recently released SIU report “the officers tactic was reasonable”. This type of force is used daily in Ontario and is just viewed as common practice. Body cameras need to be mandatory for all police immediately. There is no other peaceful way forward.

An online fundraiser for the victim has been setup on GoFundMe.

Anyone that doesn’t cower in fear of these corrupt officers will be beaten, simple as that. There is nothing you can do about it unless the incident is captured on video. The SIU is composed almost entirely of former police officers who are fiercely loyal to their beatdown brothers in blue. 97% of the complaints of police misconduct are unfounded according to the SIU. The 3% conviction rate is only that high due to video evidence, otherwise it’s the “beatdown boys in blue” word against yours and they always win.

7 replies on “Stratford Police Approved To Continue Beating/Torture Of Unarmed Civilians – Outraged Public Demands Body Cameras After Another SIU Failure”

As long as the police are left to police them selves this will run rampid they can find retired cronies to help cover the trail of coruption created by the bastards in blue

Well no wonder you hate the police.. Its your son Bradley Mills getting busted for drugs and other crimes, lol

Nah we all hate you wingham corrupted cops. Honestly you are the broken system that is corrupting our beautiful town.

Stfu your corrupted just as much as next officer if not more. You wingham cops have destroyed our beautiful town of wingham. You are just a bully with a gun. Defund wingham opp they are all useless.

Wow it’s getting out of hand ladies and gentlemen!!
Why!! Why!
It’s the 21st century
with so called democracies
Why!! The poor guys face says it All Wow that’s disgusting.
And of course the union and siu
work together so the big gang not only has the courts they have it All. It’s sad. Is this Canada I live in again this is suppose to be gleaming shiny Canada with no Flaws! Why Ladies and gentlemen why.
I noticed 1 thing with the force.
when they went from warm blue uniforms to black that was it.
Their ego went anerican cops with the black style American uniform. Then in Past History the black nazi ss uniform killed all the brown shirts so!
My Question to the 21st century Canada with it’s perfect democracies!!
With teens drinking at 19 not 21 but hey 19 is cool.
Is Why do we see this please.
These cops need retrained or replaced ladies and gentlemen why is it getting out of hand please!

LMFAO…you are all idiots and morons, just because i said my handle is FORMER WINGHAM COP.. you all assume im actually a former wingham cop. lmao.. sad pathetic losers, all of you.

Hey Disgusted/FormerWinghamCop we don’t think you’re a cop due to your handle, it’s your comments and attitude toward unarmed Civilians. FACT: 83% of cops beat and/or rape their wives and/or children.
What can they do? Call the cops, so they can have a turn?
There is a 100% chance you are a wife beating cop/ex-cop or protected rat (or all both) . Is that why you use the handle “Disgusted”, because deep down even a piece of shit like you is disgusted with their abuse and beatdown of unarmed woman and children. BTW, we know who you really are and why you opposed body cameras. Sleep tight.

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