If you aren’t fully vaccinated you are still under “lockdown” and should not be going to restaurants, visiting friends and family, playing team sports, or going to the gym, movies, concerts, sporting events, or using public transit. Those are activities reserved for responsible Ontarians that are fully vaccinated. NOTE: You should only consider yourself fully vaccinated if you have had 3 shots, as it is now widely considered a 3 dose vaccine due to Omicron’s emergence. 94% of Ontarians are no longer considered fully vaccinated, as only 6.2% have taken a 3rd dose.
Another surge of Covid is imminent as Omicron sweeps the planet, and it is your duty to help stop the spread. It is clear that zero restaurants in the area are fully compliant with doug ford’s mandates/decrees and that is why Huron Perth Public Health needs your help to stop the spread and save lives.
If you know of a restaurant that is not complying, it is your duty to call HPPH and report them to stop the spread. The life you might be saving could be your own grandparents. Below is a list of common infractions at restaurants you need to look out for. If you know of a restaurant that is breaking the rules, it is your duty to report them to help prevent a Covid outbreak.
- Staff that interact with customers must have a mask and a face shield/barrier at all times.
- Before entering, each customer must show a government photo id with a birthdate.
- Customers must be outside in order to be able to remove their mask for identification verification.
- Customers then must show the required health information.
- Staff must compare the birthdates on both documents to make sure they match.
- Customers that meet the criteria must now re-mask and are allowed to enter.
- Staff and customers must now use hand sanitizer as documents and door handles were touched.
- Staff must then record customer information for contact tracing, and keep that information private and secure and for at least one month.
- Staff then can safely take the dine-in customer’s order.
- Customers must wear a mask at all times, except when actively eating or drinking. If the customer isn’t putting something in their mouth, their mask should be on. Ideally the mask is put back on between mouthfuls for maximum protection.
- Refills of cups/mugs/glasses etc. are not allowed due to possible backsplash. A new/clean container must be used each time.
If you know of any restaurant not following the rules, you must contact HPPH to let them know.