
Hero Madill Students Restore Hope & Stand Their Ground – Foothold Situation @ Town Hall #TsunamiOfHope #LockSeipUp

As every day passes Wingham becomes a more popular tourist destination for Freedom Fighters, Rights Activists, Guardians of Democracy, and those starting to wake to our police state. It is now commonplace to see people walking Josephine St. with cameras taking photos and enjoying our famous “Square Mile”. 

Town councilors, segregationists and sheeple are furious over what they are calling a “foothold situation” at Wingham town hall. In what must be the most shameful council meeting in North Huron, or possibly Canadian history, bigots revealed their true nature, seemingly oblivious to what they were saying, or the amount of time/taxpayer money they were wasting. 

Many believe councillor trevor seip should be charged with human rights violations regarding his comments and affiliation and promotion of a local hate group that plans to exploit foreign workers. He wants to allow them out of their rooming houses a few times a year when “picked up” by his group and paraded around at social events to prove they aren’t racist. 

They all acted like it would be such a privilege and thrill of a lifetime for the foreign workers to spend an afternoon with “Whitey/The Man” while being marched around and shown off at social events. If you have to go to those lengths to try and convince people you aren’t racist, you are 100% a racist. If you have ever uttered the phrase “I’m not racist because…” you likely are a racist and need to work on being a better person. If you hate people you have never met or spoken with before, be a more intelligent person. I truly hope they can fix your stupid.

A small group of F. E. Madill Students have scored a major victory in the Revolution to restore Hope and some power to the People. Wingham’s traditional export has been wholesale apathy. This group of Heroes of Madil have seized the opportunity presented to them, and forced North Huron council to capitulate to the will of the People. If you don’t know what we are talking about, you need to drive by town hall and catch up on 12 years of council meetings to understand the gift of Hope these Madill Heroes have bestowed upon a tax-battered Citizenry.

A veritable who’s who of the Revolution have visited or reached out to the Square Mile since Sept 2021 when “The Flag Planting Heard Across Canada” went viral when a Wingham restaurant literally planted a Canadian flag in the middle of their dining room. This flag was accompanied with a warning “All Charter Rights will be defended on this property, it would be wise not to test our resolve.” This act of open defiance and protest rippled around the globe drawing focus to Canada’s most famous Square Mile. #LockSeipUp

Watch the council meeting to see how racist North Huron council really is. WARNING: Video contains blatant redneckery.

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