
38% Unemployment Rate In Canada Wipes Out Lives & Livelihoods – JT Facing Dereliction Of Duty Allegations – 3,400 Dead And Rising #ImpeachTrudeau #EndTheCoverUp

The government of Canada insists our unemployment rate is 7.8% and may hit 9% in the near future due to JT’s inaction over Covid-19. The real unemployment rate is closer to 40%.

The 3,400 lives Justin Trudeau has cost us is just the tip of the iceberg, as many of the ripple effects of his dereliction of duty have yet to manifest.


10,000,000 have applied for CERB ($2,000/month hush money)

Canada has a population of 37.6 million.

68.9% of the population is of working age (15-64)

Canada’s labor force consists of (37,900,000 X .689) = 26,113,100‬ humans.

(10,000,000 / 26,113,100) 38.29%

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