Health Departments Huron Perth Public Health

10 More Covid-19 Cases In Huron Perth

Covid-19 is back in North Huron. There are 31 active Covid-19 cases in Huron Perth according to HPPH, 10 in the last 24 hours.

North Huron: 1

Perth East: 3

Stratford: 6


2 replies on “10 More Covid-19 Cases In Huron Perth”

Reasons Huron county has low numbers because most have not got tested.
Me I been following rules since day one. Masks and gloves every time I leave my house. Others though I have seen from house party’s and students walking down the street in big groups with no masks on. People working when they were not suppose to and collecting government money to I have seen. So in another month or so numbers will go up for Huron . Hopefully the dishonest people collecting government money and working at the same time will get caught on this years taxes. When the government hands out money at tax season you can bet those people will have to pay. Just like when someone dies the government will give you 2500.00 but at tax time they want 500.00 of it back.

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