In Ontario police can now randomly stop people, demand identification, place of residence, and reason for leaving the house. If you refuse to comply, you will get a ticket. Then you will have to be arrested/detained until they figure out what name to put on the ticket.
The Government is also encouraging the public to call and report their neighbors if they have company or leave home or a non essential reason.
6 replies on “Virtual Martial Law In Ontario – Police Granted New Powers For Random Stops And To Demand ID/Papers #ShowMeYourPapers”
So what is your point. One second your all for Doug Ford, then the next your against him, same for the police. You speak out against anti maskers, then you do a complete 180. Make up your mind WFP.This has to be done to save lives, to save our health care system from complete collapse . Stay the fuck at home unless you have to go out. Maybe the person you save is your mother or father or sister or brother or son or daughter. Stop with the bullshit hook headlines. No other town in midwestern ontario has to put up with the crap that spews out of this website, its a disgrace.
Wingham OPP have always pulled people over for no reason lol. Make sure you record any encounters with them. Majority of opp do not wear masks. #defundtheopp.
I do not agree with the enhanced police power to stop drivers and pedestrians without cause, that is a violation of our freedom, but I do agree with the stay at home order unless you need to go out. And I will say this…NEVER EVER VOTE PC(I.E DOUG FORD). All the PC Party is good for is cutting programs to save money. Does anyone miss Kathleen Wynn our former Liberal premier..I sure do..
I don’t miss the orville redeboker wannabe.
There all same look out for themselves first.
Picking on WFP
Ladies and gentlemen
here over in huron east your sister town to wingham.
Needs a monitor like WFP as soon as possible.
We have a mayor who doesn’t see the missing proper democracy here.
a 2 seat non democratic way in Seaforth is here.
no water meters. their pure idiots taking space and free monies. Hell when they put a dumb blind guy in as deputy mayor to run a multi million dollar institution then there’s problems.
WFP want a side project come to Seaforth or Huron east and see and hear and feel a real mess.
even the 2 seats filled by humans still don’t see they have a non democracy in place.
Can u say Duh machine.
WFP your more then welcome to come here and help us.
Everytown and city needs a monitor like WFP because in rural ontario it does get out of hand.
When 11 thousand people allow a non democratic way of life then it does say and show that indeed
some need help.
This new road construction but no bike rack or thoughts of future bikes but hey Seaforth u need a blind mayor too and staff for your doing a disservice to All.
WFP No worries some do respect ur intentions. thanx for being there!
I never understand what the hell you are talking about.