Alerts WFP

Health Unit Stands Down As The GODs Descend On Wingham- Vac-Pass Not Required In Huron Perth?

A call went out to all Guardians Of Democracy (GODs) to honor their oath, and it went viral. They have come from across Ontario to defend what some believe to be the last few square feet of the former Glorious and Free Canada.

Buck & Jo’s, a restaurant located in the heart of Wingham has been openly defying and taunting Huron Perth Public Health to show up and enforce Doug Ford’s “Denial Of Service Demand”.

HPPH have yet to show up, and sources tell us the HPPH will be standing down and will not enforce Doug Ford’s Denial of Service Demand (aka Vaccine Passports) as it violates the Rights of Canadians, just like when the police refused to do random stops.

If you agree or disagree, you are urged to contact Huron Perth Public Health.



Phone: 1 888-221-2133

3 replies on “Health Unit Stands Down As The GODs Descend On Wingham- Vac-Pass Not Required In Huron Perth?”

I applaud your bravery. You are a true soldier in this war that’s been thrust upon us. 🇨🇦
Wishing you much success and prosperity. God speed and God Bless. 🙏🏼

I am so very grateful to read the stories of Wingham and all that is taking place there. May your actions spread across our country and freedom return as it should. United we stand.

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