For over a decade WFP has been known for naming names, Hall Of Shame, listing local corrupt politicians, police officers, drunk drivers and those that put others at risk.
A new group of Activists will be upgrading some Hall Of Shame listings to Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) on a blockchain to complement WFP’s Hall Of Shame. This technology will ensure the listing will be accessible for hundreds of years, a permanent stain on a family name. This will allow people to own a copy of the listing that can be bought and sold online, much like sports trading cards.
Once we have raised enough crypto currency and finalized which of Kevin “Fascist” Falconer’s crimes against Democracy should be included in the listing, it will go live forever if he has not resigned from North Huron council by then.
While this may seem extreme, we believe that all non-violent options must be exhausted in effort to hold Falconer to account before the Public turns as violent as Falconer himself.