At 6:55pm, 19Dec2022 NH council made their Social/Property Standards Committee official, granting themselves “notwithstanding” powers until 2026. It took only 16 seconds total for the 3 readings of the “law” and to pass it. The 3 readings rule was meant to stop the government from ramming laws through with zero public input or scrutiny. Traditionally there would be a minimum of 3 meetings, one reading at each meeting, allowing the public to be informed and to question any overreach attempt. A very critical safeguard in a democracy which has been obliterated by council.
Council and staff now have the power to override the Bill of Rights and our Charter Rights in their opinion. All privacy and property rights are null and void in the eyes of council and the Social Standards (SS) enforcement officers which may demand access to your home with the ability to seize property deemed unsuitable for the community.
Information below is from their agenda package.
The Committee is independent and autonomous from Council and Municipal Administration. The Committee must satisfy legal requirements concerning notice, public hearings, calling of witnesses, notices of decisions and recording of proceedings. The Committee’s decisions may be appealed to the Superior Court of Justice.
As the Property Standards Committee is required to be independent and autonomous from Council, many municipalities have appointed citizen/public members to the Property Standards Committee. Knowing this, staff have researched various Property Standards Committee compositions across the Province of Ontario and have prepared the following six options for Council’s consideration:
Option 1: A Property Standards Committee comprised of all seven (7) Council Members, each having an equal vote.
Option 2: A Property Standards Committee comprised of three (3) Council Members, each having an equal vote.
Option 3: A Property Standards Committee comprised of four (4) residents of the Township of North Huron and one (1) Council Member, each having an equal vote.
Option 4: A Property Standards Committee comprised of two (2) residents of the Township of North Huron and one (1) Council Member, each having an equal vote.
Option 5: A Property Standards Committee comprised of five (5) residents of the Township of North Huron, each having an equal vote. Option 6: A Property Standards Committee comprised of three (3) residents of the Township of North Huron, each having an equal vote.
7.1.9 CL-2022-21 Composition of Property Standards Committee M409/22
THAT the Council of the Township of North Huron hereby receives the report of the Clerk, dated December 5, 2022, regarding the Composition of the Property Standards Committee, for information purposes; AND FURTHER, THAT Council directs staff to proceed with Option 1 for the composition of the Property Standards Committee for the 2022-2026 term of Council; AND FURTHER, THAT Council directs the Clerk to prepare a by-law for a future Regular Council meeting to appoint the Property Standards Committee for the Township of North Huron.
10.5 By-law No. 116-2022 – Appointment of Property Standards Committee 153 THAT By-law No. 116-2022; being a By-law to constitute and appoint a Property Standards Committee for the 2022-2026 term of Council; be introduced, read a first, second, third and final time, be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and be engrossed in the By-law book.