
Last Restaurant Standing Update: Frosty Queen, Godfather’s Pizza & Residential Properties Now In Floodway – Millions In Property Value Wiped Out To Make Way For McDonalds – You Were Warned #WinghamWakening

As you may have already heard, precious floodplain protecting Wingham was filled-in to make way for McAmerica Burger (McDonalds). Hundreds of you asked where the water was going to go, now we know.

The new floodplain map is out and it is much worse than initially predicted. Several residential properties are now in the “floodway” and will be under new super strict restrictions and likely un-insurable, Frosty Queen and Godfather’s pizza will both be in the “floodway”. These new property restrictions have dropped property values by millions ($100,000+/property) just to make way for McAmerica Burger.

Thanks bernie.

MVCA Meeting Regarding Wingham Floodplain

24March 2020 7-9pm @ Wingham Community Complex

North Huron council aka: “The Taxman” contact info:

Taxman Bernie Bailey:

Phone 1: (519) 357-4668

Phone 2: (519) 357-8708

Town Hall: (519) 357-3550

Email: [email protected]

Taxman Trevor Seip: 519-357-7759

Email: [email protected]

Taxman Paul Heffer: 519-357-3594

Email:[email protected]

Taxman Anita Van Hittersum: 519-523-4492

Email: [email protected]

Taxman Chris Palmer: 519-357-3385

Email: [email protected]

Taxman Kevin Falconer: 519-955-0301

Email: [email protected]

Taxman Ric McBurney: 519-441-7415

Email: [email protected]

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