Area OPP Police Press Releases

John Van LE Arrested For Drunk Driving

(CITY OF GUELPH, ON) – On December 20, 2020, at approximately 12:45 a.m. the Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were conducting a R.I.D.E. program on Hanlon Parkway at College Avenue in the City of Guelph.

Police spoke with the driver of a white passenger vehicle that had entered the R.I.D.E. check and detected an odour of alcohol on their breath. A Roadside Screening Device test was conducted which resulted in a fail. The driver was transported to a local OPP Operation Centre for further testing.

John Van LE, 28-years-old of Hamilton been charged with Impaired Operation – 80 Plus (mg of alcohol per 100 mL of blood) contrary to the Criminal Code.

A 90-day Administrative Driver’s Licence Suspension (A.D.L.S.) and 7-day Vehicle Impoundment was initiated as per statute. The accused is scheduled to appear in the Ontario court of justice – Guelph on January 15, 2021 to answer to the charge.

If you suspect someone is driving while their ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired, either by drug or alcohol, call police at 911 to report it.

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