In 2009 a small group of area business owners and investors had a meeting to discuss the new illegal “apartment tax” placed on water/sewer bills in North Huron. Some property owners saw their bill jump over $3,000/year per property, this was on top of the highest property taxes in Ontario. Staff and council’s attitude and comments that landlords could afford it despite the unfairness was why Wingham Free Press was born, along with the Free Press network.
In an attempt to draw attention to Wingham and its corruption the group decided to post area OPP press releases in their entirety. The owners unanimously agreed at the time that the Public has the Right to know what the police are saying about them, and sending out to hundreds of traditional media outlets. The WFP archive has been used several times by members of the Public to hold police forces to account.
WFP is looking for feedback regarding limiting access to our 50,000+ police press release archive, or shutting it down entirely.
Possible options for
Remove ads and have a paywall after 5 free PRs.
Don’t post names, but the rest of the press release.
Keep it the same.
Expire posts after 30-90 days.
Please leave comments and suggestions below.
9 replies on “Should The WFP Shutdown Or Limit Access To 50,000 Police Press Releases Archive?”
No ads and no paywall.
Reason I follow you and tell others to is the fact you post names. Don’t change that. Ads are fine
Status Quo
What is the reason for changing? The majority of people come here because you post names. If you stop doing that, you might as well shut it down.
I’ll click one ad a day if you skip the paywall.
Continue posting the OPP press releases as you have been. However, perhaps reconsider the vulgar, defamatory and bigoted articles you write yourselves. If you have a problem with council or the BIA, you can express it like an adult instead of going on a juvenile and profane rant. I personally believe the BIA is a total waste of money but I will never empathize with your totally unprofessional and inappropriate commentary. Stick to the OPP press releases and drop the self-serving immature “journalism.”
Keep posting the names….its what gets eyeballs on this site. Stay away from paywall, but use Patreon or some other method whereby the public can donate and support the cause. Ad are okay too.
Continue with posting the OPP reports. Also, I agree with AS, stop with the petty abuse of the Wingham council, and I also agree the BIA is a waste of time, but frankly I am shocked the editor of this forum has not been charged with slander. Also is the editor even in the Wingham area as all posts are MST…Mountain Standard Time