
Grey Bruce Reports 50 Active & 3 New Covid-19 Cases In Last 24 Hours

Testing and case counts reported as of 15:30 hrs, November 23, 2020:

3 new case(s) reported in past 24 hours in Grey Bruce; Blue Mountains – 1, Southgate – 2

1 preliminary positive case(s) pending confirmation;

If confirmed as positive, will be added to totals

If confirmed as a false positive, will not be added to the totals

​1 new indeterminate new case

If confirmed as positive, will be added to totals

If confirmed as a false positive, will not be added to the totals

283 confirmed cases to date (current cumulative total)

50 active case(s)

Active Probable Cases – 8

Probable cases are not lab confirmed, but high-risk contacts of an active case, and also symptomatic

280 High Risk Contacts associated with active cases (it takes a tremendous amount of effort to manage this number of high risk contacts. This number will keep increasing, unless we limit, starting today, our unprotected encounters with all people outside of our own households)

218 recovered cases; 15 cases referred to other health units

2 confirmed case(s) currently hospitalized in Grey Bruce

0 death(s)

36 confirmed cases reported in Health Care Workers working in Grey Bruce

0 facility(ies) in COVID-19 outbreak. Reported in Long-Term Care / Retirement Homes)

0 facility(ies) in COVID-19 outbreak Reported in Schools

0 facility(ies) in COVID-19 outbreak Reported in Daycares

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