(LAMBTON SHORES, ON) – On May 18, 2021 at 10:15 p.m., members of the Lambton County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a report of an assault with a weapon that had occurred earlier in the evening at a residence in Lambton Shores.
The investigation revealed that the victim had driven themselves to hospital following an altercation. The victim suffered non-life threatening injuries.
Jerica SMITH, 35-years-old of London, is charged with:
- Aggravated Assault
- Assault with a Weapon (two counts).
- Utter Threats.
- Fail to comply with release order (three counts).
The accused has been held in custody pending a bail hearing.
5 replies on “Repeat Offender Arrested After Aggravated Assault”
May 20 you idiots post this story that is complete bullshit some news you guys are using false information to slander a girl who was attacked in her home and defended herself against a man 2x her size . The incompetent police were refused a statement from jerica as she wanted to give her story to a lawyer first as the incident was so serious . police deserve no trust from the public at all this is well known fact . So the brilliant cops ignore the evidence and over look jericas bruised and beaten body and badly slashed foot that required 12 stitches and go with the story given to them by the “victim” aka the attacker Anderw Bryans who alleged that this happy go lucky girl jerica in her newly acquired home on the beach who was nice enough to invite the piece of shit to visit for a break from the city just for absolutely no reason attacked him with weapons then let him go on his way 😉 right….. I’m no detective but I know jerica and she is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met kind caring loves her pets and is a pleasure to be around and most definitely not some crazy criminal that your making her out to be .. you Wingham press should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. I happen to know for a fact that the evidence will have her acquitted and the real aggressor Mr Bryans will within time be charged criminally with attempted rape and assault forcible confinement and probably a few other things … you people are the definition of victim blaming and #fakenews check yourselves adsholes …
Thanks for the slander and putting it in writing. I guess the police officer she stabbed in 2019 is making it all up too.
I barely got out of their alive and 2x her size….she’s bigger than me. I was beaten senseless, hit over the head with a propane tank and stabbed three times. As I was bleeding out cornered in her exes trailer, that she was intimidating her to use, I begged for my life and she would only let me go if I promised not to call police. I’ve spent the last year of my life not being able to sleep through the night in fear of her getting me in my sleep. I sold my house in London and moved away to not be anywhere near that psychopath.
Sounds like the police have this one all wrong brutal 🤔
After googling her name to see if she had a fb account my friend of 15 yrs is being slammed on Google by the cops for protecting herself?? Is this for real. I know jerica well someone’s not being honest here she would have had to been in a pretty desperare situation to hurt someone. 😕
Jerica Smith is my ex, I was with her when he posted the first comment on this article under a false name. This psycho hit me with a pipe 6 times over nothing but a squabble. Then tried photoshopping photos to make herself look like a victim. he needs to be put behind bars permanently, not only for the assaults but the physical abuse he puts his dog through. Jerica smith is a dangerous sociopath, take her off the streets immediately!