Area OPP Police Press Releases

Drunk Driver From Meaford 2X Limit

(GEORGIAN BLUUFS, ON) – On May 28th, 2021 at 4:10 p.m. Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a traffic complaint involving a possible impaired driver on Highway 21, near Highway 6, near Springmount, in the Township of Georgian Bluffs.   

OPP officers located this vehicle and arrested the vehicle driver for impaired driving. A breath test recorded readings over twice the legal limit of 80 milligrams (mgs) of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. 

As a result of this investigation, Grey Bruce OPP have charged Daniel LOCKING, 58 years-of-age, from Meaford with:

  • Operation of a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol, section 320.14(1)(a) Criminal Code of Canada (CCC)
  • Operation while impaired with blood alcohol concentration 80 mgs or more, section 320.14(1)(b) CCC
  • Having care and control of a motor vehicle with open container of liquor, section 32(1) Liquor Licence Act  

The accused’s driver’s licence is suspended for 90 days and the vehicle they were operating was towed and will be impounded for seven days.

The accused must attend the Ontario Court of Justice in Owen Sound on July 8, 2021.

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