Area OPP Police Press Releases

45 Year Old From Chatsworth Arrested For Impaired Driving

(GREY HIGHLANDS, ON) – On March 3, 2021 at 12:35 p.m. Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to a traffic complaint involving a possible impaired on Argyle Street in the Village of Markdale, in the Municipality of Grey Highlands.  

OPP officers located this vehicle and spoke with the driver, who failed a roadside screening device. The driver was arrested for impaired driving and transported to the Markdale OPP detachment. A breath test recorded readings over twice the legal limit of 80 milligrams (mgs) of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. 

Grey Bruce OPP have charged Gregory STAHLKE, 45 years-of-age, from Chatsworth, with operation while impaired with blood alcohol concentration 80 mgs or more, section 320.14(1)(b) Criminal Code of Canada.

This driver was also charged with five Provincial Offences Act offences.

The accused’s driver’s licence is suspended for 90 days and the vehicle they were operating was towed and impounded for seven days.

The accused must attend the Ontario Court of Justice in Owen Sound on April 1, 2021.

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