Never again let our Seniors stand alone.
The Community is still in shock over Monday night’s council meeting, where a record crowd of 150-200 formed to confront the Corporation of North Huron over massive fee increases. While the death was sudden, it was expected and long overdue. Fear is dead!
Little old ladies had the courage to go to the microphone and confront council. Only a few in the crowd had the courage to speak up for what they know to be Right, and stood with those courageous dear sweet old ladies.
Notably missing from the crowd were representatives of some of the service clubs and churches in the area. Hopefully their absence is attributed to their unawareness of the meeting, and not apathy.
Never again let a moment of fear stop you from doing what you know to be Right.
More Citizens are now demanding a police investigation into the North Huron’s divestment of properties at a fraction of market value.
You can watch clips of the Public’s comments below. Do you have the courage to stand and defend our Community?
The next council meeting is 04Dec2023 at Wingham Town Hall. Clearly the People were not heard by council, this time everyone needs to be louder, bring a friend and demand change.