(Wingham, Ontario – Corporation Of North Huron service area ) 27Nov2023 a OPP officer was spotted downtown Wingham recklessly doing a u-turn, turning on his emergency lights, jumping out of his vehicle and rushing to take down a poster promoting participation at the 04Dec2023 North Huron council meeting.
The OPP have been contacted for comment, as it is believed this is an OPP officer that has gone rogue, and the OPP is not actively engaged in censorship. The OPP has yet to respond.
WFP will post a response/explanation from the OPP if it is ever received.
The next council meeting is 04Dec2023.
One reply on “Rogue OPP Caught Taking Down Flyers Defending Seniors, Students & All Winghamites #WinghamStrong”
Absolutely shameful….Welcome to Chinada.
The officer needs to be fired ASAP!!!!