Alerts WFP

North Huron Officially Backs Down On Mandatory Vaccinations For Staff – Only Recommended

It is now official, as of 05Nov2021, North Huron staff do NOT have to be vaccinated. Reeve Bernie Bailey stated “North Huron’s employees, contracted personnel, volunteers and students are strongly recommended to be vaccinated.”

If town staff ask for your ID and personal health information, please get it on video and ask for theirs. Fair is fair!

Bernie Bailey is being heralded as a hero online, many believe he is worthy of starting his own political party. This is a huge victory for workplaces across Ontario and for the Rights and dignity of us all.

Please take the time to contact NH council to confirm they aren’t forcing staff to get vaccinated, then thank them for officially backing down, and not forcing staff to take the jab.

Please also take the time and thank town staff for standing up for their Rights and our dignity.

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