Alerts WFP

New Flag Fuels Hope – Citizens Taking Back Community & Country #WinghamStrong

The tattered Flag at the Wingham Cenotaph was finally changed after a rash of complaints from Freedom Fighters & Patriots from across Canada demanding town hall show our Veterans the respect they deserve.

North Huron council has ordered by-law enforcement not to do their regular inspections, or any inspections of any kind regarding their Corporate assets. By-law enforcement officers are under orders to ignore all garbage around the Works Sheds, potholes & weeds in the streets, snow dumped on the Cenotaph steps, tattered flags, crumbling bridges and dams, and snow dumped on sidewalks blocking them off and forcing students to walk in traffic to get to school.

If North Huron’s by-law enforcement position had a job description, it would be to protect the corporation’s assets from abuse and to make sure town staff are maintaining our infrastructure to a certain standard. 

Contact North Huron council demand they allow by-law enforcement to do their actual job, and inspect all the corporation’s assets and force town staff to do their jobs.

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