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Hope Erupts In Wingham After Criminal Investigation Announced – IC Asked To Investigate NH Council, Process & Lawyer #HoldTheLine

The RCMP have announced they have opened a criminal probe into a land deal brokered by Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his government. 

This has sent a shockwave of Hope across Ontario, as there is now a good chance that local politicians and corrupt lawyers brokering similar backroom deals will be imprisoned and/or ordered to return millions in “stolen” real estate to their victims. 

Below is an email that was sent to NH’s IC.

Dear John Mascarin, North Huron’s Integrity Commissioner

I am requesting a formal investigation into the corporation of North Huron’s divestment of real estate holdings, specifically the Wingham Trailer Park, Wingham Airport & Hutton Heights. These properties changed hands for a fraction of potential market value during the peak of the real estate market.

Summary of Facts:

These properties were sold without the knowledge and/or consent of the vast majority of ratepayers.

These properties were not listed on MLS.

North Huron refuses to release the pre-sale appraisals on the properties, citing its private information.

Questions have been banned at council meetings, and microphones cut when the topic comes up.

Wingham Trailer Park:

A by-law protecting the Wingham Trailer Park was rescinded with 3 readings at one meeting, with zero public input, knowledge, or scrutiny.

Wingham Trailer Park was bought by relatives of the Reeve for a fraction of potential market value.

A section of Wingham’s Community Trail was lost due to sale/development of the park.

Wingham Airport:

77 acres sold for $200,000, less than the price of one building lot.

Filed paperwork shows North Huron and their legal representative claimed the land had zero market value.

Council refuses to release the pre-sale appraisal for the airport.

Hutton Heights

North Huron spent over $1,000,000+ running water service to the property.

North Huron sold the 100+ building lots at a loss for $650,000.

Council refuses to release the pre-sale appraisal on the property.

Unless the facts above can be convincingly refuted, I believe an investigation is warranted into these transactions which have cost Wingham ratepayers $20,000,000+ in lost potential.

If you as Integrity Commissioner do not believe an investigation is warranted, or if you believe an investigation by law enforcement would be more appropriate, please let me know ASAP.

If you believe the IC should investigate NH’s backroom land deals, please take the time to contact their Integrity Commissioner.

Integrity Commissioner Contact Information:

John Mascarin, Aird Berlis LLPP:
416-865-7721  |  E: [email protected]

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