Wingham town hall is deploying another solution to tackle the visible homeless problem on Josephine St. Their first effort was to order all businesses to post no-trespassing signs and to sign over authority to the police to arrest anyone at any time at their business. Businesses stood together and rejected the preposterous notion of posting no-trespassing signs on their front doors. This is the level of dipshittery that oozes out of Wingham town hall.
The benches on Josephine St. are completely neglected, and they are unusable during the winter months because town staff refuse to clear the snow off and around them. The current benches only need a few minutes with some linseed oil and elbow grease to make them look like new again.
Despite there being zero need for new benches, town hall is forcing taxpayers to pay $20,000 for new benches that homeless people can’t sleep on. Visible homeless problem solved and $20,000 down the drain!
Why spend $40 on some linseed oil when you can blow $20,000 for no reason and screw over the vulnerable at the same time. A message to the vulnerable that they aren’t worth our compassion, and town hall will spend any amount of money to make them disappear….well, as long as none of that money makes it to the homeless and vulnerable.
The notice about these benches was emailed out by Hall Of Shamer doug kuyvenhoven of the town hall’s BIA department.