Torn and tattered is the Canadian flag at Wingham’s Cenotaph, much like the state of our Democracy and Rights in North Huron. North Huron council refused to lower the flag on the anniversary of D-Day, and has repeatedly refused to lower the Canadian Flag in response to the hundreds of unmarked graves in Canada. The world must know that North Huron Reeve bernie bailey and his morally bankrupt councillors do not have the full support of the Community or represent our values.
A restaurant in the heart of Wingham will be flying a Canadian flag at ½ staff until all the residential schools have been searched for unmarked graves. Until they are all found Canada should hold it’s head down in shame via ½ mast Canadain flags.
As an internationally recognized symbol of distress, the flag will also be flown upside down until all Canadians have access to clean drinking water. Currently there are 51 long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on reserves. Canada is in clear dire distress if it can’t provide clean drinking water to all of its Citizens, and the upside down flag will represent that.