Alerts Municipalities Perth West Perth

All Flags To Remain At Half Mast In Perth County

Flags at all Perth County and Municipality of West Perth Facilities will remain lowered for the remainder of this week in mourning for the Muslim family from London, Ontario who were deliberately targeted and killed in an attack this past weekend. One of the victims, Salman Afzaal, was a well-loved employee at Ritz Lutheran Villa in Mitchell.

The flags were originally lowered in honour of the recent discovery of the bodies of 215 Indigenous children whose lives were taken at the former Kamloops Residential School. They will remain lowered until Monday, June 14, 2021.

We were shocked and saddened by this news. No one should be targeted for practicing their faith and we stand in solidarity and mourning with Muslims across Canada. At this difficult time, we need to stand together as a community to show our love and support for one another.

In Perth County we are committed to building an inclusive and welcoming community and encourage everyone to educate themselves and to practice kindness, empathy and compassion toward one another.

In addition to this recent tragedy in London, Perth County and West Perth are also mourning the sudden loss of Carter Schoonderwoerd, the 19-year-old Stratford Warriors player from Mitchell.

One reply on “All Flags To Remain At Half Mast In Perth County”

SHAME on North Huron! Lower the flag at the Cenotaph you heartless cruel bastards. Show some respect.

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